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19 Aug


  The Law of Attraction and the Law of Deliberate Creation are both important concepts to master in the manifestation process. The last in the sequence is the Art of Allowing. Allowing means truly being open to letting in all that you say you want and deserve. The art component means that it takes practice and skill to be able to engage in this process.

  Some people are apparently doing everything right by utilizing the Law of Attraction to deliberately seek what they want, yet they still see no results. Why is that? It is most likely because they are not in alignment with what they want and, therefore, are not truly allowing their desires to manifest. This is often because they hold onto doubt, which fuels their ingrained lack of self-worth. True believing is the absence of doubt. People often give up just when something is about to manifest in full form because their doubt creeps in, counteracting the Art of Allowing.

  In allowing, you simply replace any doubt with faith, confidence, and belief. When you evoke positive, courageous feelings, you create positive, confident vibrations. This means that you are in harmony with your thoughts, or source energy; thus, you are allowing positive things to come to you. On the other hand, when you are doubtful and insecure, you are in a state of resistance; therefore, what you want remains at a distance. Anything that inhibits the flow of energy stops the process of Deliberate Creation. Being in a receptive state allows the energy flow required for manifestation.


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