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07 Jan


     The Law of Attraction is a universal law that is in operation at all times. It responds to the thoughts you focus on all the time with great feeling, and then it draws that which you dwell upon into concrete reality. Simply put, we attract things, good or bad, depending on our thoughts. Although we think of the Law of Attraction as a single law, it is more broadly defined as a group of concepts that includes visualization, the Law of Deliberate Creation, and the Art of Allowing.

     Have you heard the phrase, “Birds of a feather flock together”? That saying provides us with a good depiction of the Law of Attraction-like attracts like. Vibrations of the same frequency resonate with each other. Consistently focusing on a particular thought or idea attracts its vibrational match. For example, if we consistently complain about our ailments, then we perpetuate their existence. If we dwell on being poor, we remain poor. To experience success in your life, you must focus on succeeding. The Law of Attraction does not discriminate between what you want and what you don’t want. It will always bring you exactly what you attract through the energetic content of your thoughts!

     The Law of Attraction is always evident. Think about the person who wakes up grumpy and holds onto his or her grumpiness, mumbling and complaining all day. As a result, nothing goes right for that person: he or she misses the bus, is late for work, misses an opportunity to attend an important meeting, and can’t get a table at his or her favorite restaurant. His or her whole day is a reflection of a poor attitude, and so the person constantly attracts more to be grumpy about.

     On the other hand, consider the person who wakes up grumpy but refuses to let it rule his or her day. This person may wake up with fears, concerns, and anxieties, but he or she makes a point of giving thanks for the blessings in his or her life. The individual makes a decision, puts forth effort, and commits to find happiness in his or her day. Ironically, this person tends to find the closest parking spot and to notice a stranger willing to hold the door for him or her, and he or she is recognized for work usually overlooked. Throughout the day, this person keeps attracting more things, events, and people to be thankful for.

     Both situations depict the Law of Attraction at work. What we must clearly understand is that we create our own surroundings and experiences. When you are focusing on what you do not have, you are not in alignment with what you want and, therefore, what you want remains at a distance. When you are in vibrational alignment with what you want, however, you are in the right place to attract and manifest your desires. With constant awareness of the Law of Attraction, combined with the right attitude and positive vibrational energies, you can create the life you desire!



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